How To Get Back To The Ableton Live 12 Demo Song

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How To Get Back To The Ableton Live 12 Demo Song

In this quick post I'll show you how to get back to Chuck Sutton's song "Patience", the awesome new Ableton Live 12 demo song that automatically opens up the first time you use Ableton Live 12.

After you close the project it seems to be gone forever but here's how to get back to it in 3 easy steps.


Also read: Ableton Live 12 vs 11: What's the Difference?

On a Mac:

Step 1: Applications Folder

Right-click on the Ableton Live application in the Applications folder located on your hard drive and select "Show Package Contents"

Step 2: Folder Navigation

Locate and open the following folders: Contents > App Resources > Core Library > Lessons > Demo Songs.


Step 3: Choose the Version

Ableton Live has 5 demo songs, one for each version of their software and hardware. Locate the .als (Ableton Live Set) file for the demo song that matches your version and click it to open the demo song. The options are: Lite, Intro, Standard, Suite & Push. Choose "Suite" if you are using the 30-day free trial.

On a Windows PC: 
C:\ProgramData\Ableton\[Live Version]\Resources\Core Library\Lessons\Demo Songs


Listen: Download Patience by Chuck Sutton on Soundcloud



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