Make "You-Type" Beats


BALANCE: Intro to Music ProductionĀ 

If you're a singer, songwriter, musician, beatmaker, producer, rapper, dj, or music fan, this is your chance to take your music to the next level!

In thisĀ beginner-to-intermediate level Live Online Course you will learnĀ the fundamentals of music production andĀ how to write exciting songs while designing a custom artistic vision for your own brand of beatsĀ or songs.

Follow No One šŸŽ§

Become a Music Production Ninja šŸ„·šŸ½
Find out more about the Mixing & DAW course - Click Here

Futch is such an incredible teacher! I took Balance part I and it was everything I needed. Such an amazing energy and just a cool dude in general!

-KenZn Music

I participated in the inaugural “Balance” cohort. Through Levels, I was given the resources and support I needed not only to reinforce the most important fundamentals of music production, but also tackle advanced techniques and think outside the box. I will be back and look forward to being part of the growing Levels community!

Liam S.

The essential of mixing without a headache. Futch is a dedicated producer with lots of knowledge that is sought after.

Angel L.

No Experience Necessary

When you want to join in all you will need is:

1. A Computer

2. Headphones or Speakers

3. Ableton Live Suite DAW software

I'll be demonstrating using Ableton Live. You can download their Free Trial or use any DAW software you already own like Logic, FL Studio, Pro Tools, Cubase, etc. but I would recommend using Ableton Live Suite or the FREE Trial as it will be easier to understand and copy what I do.


FREE Resources

Download my FREE Music Production guides to get better songs and mixes 

Take me There!

Mike C.

"Futch has allowed me to think wider by allowing me to be capable of ignoring the engineering rules of music to focus more on what sounds best for the desired effect. He brought forward a way of teaching that allowed me to discover musical experimentation at my own risk. An eye-opener for anyone thinking music production is done one way"

Dan B.

"Futch is the kind of teacher who makes learning fun and exciting. His enthusiasm and loveable personality paired with years of experience and a wealth of knowledge make him more than a formidable instructor. I learned a lot from him. Thanks Futch!"

Kelsey Jayde

"Futch was my instructor for four months, and I couldn’t have asked for a better more knowledgeable teacher. He was always delivering the information in an engaging and comprehensive way. Whether class was in person or online, Futch always made sure everyone was understanding and enjoying the lesson. He truly is a wonderful person and phenomenal teacher."